A downloadable game

Well, it's more of a prototype... than a complete game!

Here's the story behind the project: 

Saturday July 8, 5pm, I check twitter as usual, and I see lots of tweets about #gmtk2023. So I look around and come across the itchi.io game jam page, already 24 hours late.

After an unsuccessful first attempt, I decided to start from scratch. It was 8.30pm.

I don't know why, but I had a tower defense game in mind, and to fit in with the theme, I had to reverse the player's gameplay. 

What if instead of controlling the towers, you control the waves of enemies.

So I went with that idea! Except that due to lack of time, I had to prioritize certain things. I absolutely had to publish something! 

So I took the trouble not to include audio and sound, and to minimize the user interface (menu and UI) as much as possible.

I also encountered a problem with tower damage and the display of damage on goblins, which is why in this version nothing is displayed!

In any case, it was very challenging for me, and I'm very happy to have been able to take part in this game jam.

As for the game (prototype), I'm going to keep working on it, now that I've got a bit more time on my hands! 

Thank you very much for your feedback!  


Goblin_gm_Windows.zip 300 MB

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